The Scriptures
We believe that the Scriptures, both the Hebrew Bible (Tenach) and the New Testament (HaBrit HaChadashah), are fully inspired by God and are His complete revelation to mankind. The 66 books of the Bible are thus true and authoritative in everything they speak of. Accordingly, we derive our doctrine from the teachings of God’s Word, the Bible, and not from the traditions of men, however venerable our ancient sages might have been.
We believe that the Scriptures, both the Hebrew Bible (Tenach) and the New Testament (HaBrit HaChadashah), are fully inspired by God and are His complete revelation to mankind. The 66 books of the Bible are thus true and authoritative in everything they speak of. Accordingly, we derive our doctrine from the teachings of God’s Word, the Bible, and not from the traditions of men, however venerable our ancient sages might have been.
We affirm the Shema: "Hear, O Israel! The Lord our God, the Lord is One." The Hebrew word for "One" implies compound unity. God is one but has manifested Himself in three separate and distinct persons. Hence, we believe that God is a Tri-unity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He is infinite and perfect, eternally existing in three equal persons, each possessing the nature of deity, as well as the characteristics of personality
As the creator of all things, God is Father over all creation, and thus its sovereign ruler; Father of Israel, whom He has chosen as His unique people; Father of Messiah Yeshua, whom He sent to redeem mankind; and Father of all who trust in His gracious provision.
We believe that God the Son became flesh in the person of Yeshua (Jesus) of Nazareth, the promised Messiah of Israel, who was conceived of the Spirit of God and born of the Jewish virgin, Miriam (Mary). We believe in His full deity and full humanity, His sinless life, and His miracles. We believe that Messiah Yeshua’s death was the sacrifice for man’s sin. He will return in glory establishing His literal kingdom on earth.
We believe the Ruach HaKodesh (The Holy Spirit) is a person. He possesses all the distinct attributes of deity and personality, hence He is God. We believe that the Spirit of God regenerates, seals, and helps the believer live a holy life. At the moment of salvation, every believer is baptized with the Spirit into the body of Messiah and is permanently indwelt by the Spirit.
We affirm the Shema: "Hear, O Israel! The Lord our God, the Lord is One." The Hebrew word for "One" implies compound unity. God is one but has manifested Himself in three separate and distinct persons. Hence, we believe that God is a Tri-unity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He is infinite and perfect, eternally existing in three equal persons, each possessing the nature of deity, as well as the characteristics of personality
As the creator of all things, God is Father over all creation, and thus its sovereign ruler; Father of Israel, whom He has chosen as His unique people; Father of Messiah Yeshua, whom He sent to redeem mankind; and Father of all who trust in His gracious provision.
We believe that God the Son became flesh in the person of Yeshua (Jesus) of Nazareth, the promised Messiah of Israel, who was conceived of the Spirit of God and born of the Jewish virgin, Miriam (Mary). We believe in His full deity and full humanity, His sinless life, and His miracles. We believe that Messiah Yeshua’s death was the sacrifice for man’s sin. He will return in glory establishing His literal kingdom on earth.
We believe the Ruach HaKodesh (The Holy Spirit) is a person. He possesses all the distinct attributes of deity and personality, hence He is God. We believe that the Spirit of God regenerates, seals, and helps the believer live a holy life. At the moment of salvation, every believer is baptized with the Spirit into the body of Messiah and is permanently indwelt by the Spirit.
We believe that anyone, whether Jewish or Gentile, who by faith genuinely trusts Messiah Yeshua as Savior and Redeemer is immediately forgiven of sin and becomes a child of God. This salvation is not the result of any human effort, merit or works, it is the gift of God.
We believe that anyone, whether Jewish or Gentile, who by faith genuinely trusts Messiah Yeshua as Savior and Redeemer is immediately forgiven of sin and becomes a child of God. This salvation is not the result of any human effort, merit or works, it is the gift of God.
The Body of Messiah
We believe that all true believers in Yeshua are members of the universal community(body) of the Messiah. This community of Messiah began at Shavuot (Pentecost) with the coming of the Holy Spirit after the ascension of Yeshua. Membership in the body is based solely on faith in Messiah. It is distinct from Israel and is composed of both Jews and Gentiles dwelling in unity in Messiah.
We believe that all true believers in Yeshua are members of the universal community(body) of the Messiah. This community of Messiah began at Shavuot (Pentecost) with the coming of the Holy Spirit after the ascension of Yeshua. Membership in the body is based solely on faith in Messiah. It is distinct from Israel and is composed of both Jews and Gentiles dwelling in unity in Messiah.
We believe Israel is God’s special people, distinct from the body of Messiah, chosen by Him to be a holy nation and a kingdom of priests. The election of Israel is irrevocable. We believe the Abrahamic Covenant is an irrevocable, unconditional covenant God made with Jewish people. This covenant provides title to the land of Israel for the Jewish people and promises a descendant (the Messiah) who would come to redeem Israel and bless the entire world.
We believe Israel is God’s special people, distinct from the body of Messiah, chosen by Him to be a holy nation and a kingdom of priests. The election of Israel is irrevocable. We believe the Abrahamic Covenant is an irrevocable, unconditional covenant God made with Jewish people. This covenant provides title to the land of Israel for the Jewish people and promises a descendant (the Messiah) who would come to redeem Israel and bless the entire world.
The Believer and the Law of Moses
We believe the Law of Moses as a rule of life has been fulfilled in the Messiah and therefore Jewish believers are no longer under it’s obligation or condemnation. However, both Jewish and non-Jewish believers have the freedom in Messiah to observe or not observe the Law of Moses, according to their individual preference, realizing that observance of the Mosaic Law has no salvific or sanctifying benefits. For Jewish believers who choose to maintain aspects of the Mosaic Law, those observances are seen as intrinsically biblical expressions of a God-given Jewish identity and a means of fulfilling their responsibility to testify of God’s faithfulness to the entire world. For Gentile believers who seek to live out such observances, it is a means of identifying with the Jewish community and expressing the Jewish roots of their faith.
We believe the Law of Moses as a rule of life has been fulfilled in the Messiah and therefore Jewish believers are no longer under it’s obligation or condemnation. However, both Jewish and non-Jewish believers have the freedom in Messiah to observe or not observe the Law of Moses, according to their individual preference, realizing that observance of the Mosaic Law has no salvific or sanctifying benefits. For Jewish believers who choose to maintain aspects of the Mosaic Law, those observances are seen as intrinsically biblical expressions of a God-given Jewish identity and a means of fulfilling their responsibility to testify of God’s faithfulness to the entire world. For Gentile believers who seek to live out such observances, it is a means of identifying with the Jewish community and expressing the Jewish roots of their faith.
Last Things
We believe in the personal, bodily, visible, and pre-millennial return of the Lord Yeshua. At that time He will totally restore Israel to her own land and bring the whole world to the knowledge of the one, true God.
This page, "WHAT WE BELIEVE", is a summary of the official Congregational "Doctrinal Statement". The full ‘Doctrinal Statement’ has scripture citation in support of the points above.
We believe in the personal, bodily, visible, and pre-millennial return of the Lord Yeshua. At that time He will totally restore Israel to her own land and bring the whole world to the knowledge of the one, true God.
This page, "WHAT WE BELIEVE", is a summary of the official Congregational "Doctrinal Statement". The full ‘Doctrinal Statement’ has scripture citation in support of the points above.